Starbucks Asked To Disclose $240M Spent on Union-Busting

Weighing the coffee beans, Matthew Bellemare, Creative Commons.
The Best of the Week’s News
- Union-backed shareholders ask SEC to make Starbucks level with investiors about the $240 million the company has spent on union-busting. (Reuters)
- Labor Department says Fayette Janitorial LLC illegally hired 24 children to clean two slaughter houses, including the head-splitters and bandsaws. (NBC)
- How to save the collapsing U.S. media. (Jacobin)
- A formerly unhoused journalist reports on the spiraling housing crisis from the tents, cars, motels, and couches of America. (NYT)
- Alexei Navalny’s mother says the Russian government is blackmailing her, refusing to releae his body unless she agrees to a secret burial. (Axios)
- How part-time schedules wreak havoc on workers’ lives. (NYT)