Sidney's Picks: Texas Defies Supreme Court, Dares POTUS to Respond

The Best of the Week’s News:
- LA Times lays off 120 journalists, more than 60 of whom are people of color. (NiemanLab)
- Texas Rep. calls on Biden to take control of the Texas National Guard as governor Abbott uses Guard to flout Supreme Court ruling to remove deadly razor wire. (The Hill)
- Inmate writhed for 2 minutes, lingered for 22, after Alabama deployed an untested nitrogen execution protocol. (Daily Beast)
- Interview with Barrett Award-winner Bryan Stevenson on “How To Keep Going When Things Get Hard.” (podcast)
- The New Labor Playbook (NYT, video)
- A trade loophole allows Chinese clothing companies to flood the U.S. market without inspections or tariffs. (Prospect)